I’m so confused I hardly know how to live. My head is spinning and every thought possible is running through. I’m almost getting dizy. I’m caught in a web that I created all on my own, of thoughts and wonderings I never let loose. Now it’s making me confused. So confused. I can’t focus on anything; I can’t focus on school, I can’t focus on my friends, I can’t focus on myself. How did I get here? How did I get so fucked up twisted? This was never me. This was never what I wanted. I tried to mind my own buisness, but you can’t keep the past away for forever. I guess in my case the past just caught up with me so much faster. Will it ever end? I’m trying to look ahead, trying to find light in this endless darkness. It’s hard when all you see is a black hole. It doesn’t even consume. It has consumed me and now it’s forcing every thought I’ve ever had down upon me. That’s how it feels. How can I make it go away? I really try. Why can’t I just be normal? Why me? Why me! All my life I just wanted to be happy. I wanted to get good grades. To make a life that would satisfy all my superficial needs, just like anyone else. But now I’m forced to go through shit. I’ll come out stronger, wiser - better. But if I didn’t know better I wouldn’t want that. I’d prefer it the other way.
Monday, September 20, 2010
I’m so confused I hardly know how to live. My head is spinning and every thought possible is running through. I’m almost getting dizy. I’m caught in a web that I created all on my own, of thoughts and wonderings I never let loose. Now it’s making me confused. So confused. I can’t focus on anything; I can’t focus on school, I can’t focus on my friends, I can’t focus on myself. How did I get here? How did I get so fucked up twisted? This was never me. This was never what I wanted. I tried to mind my own buisness, but you can’t keep the past away for forever. I guess in my case the past just caught up with me so much faster. Will it ever end? I’m trying to look ahead, trying to find light in this endless darkness. It’s hard when all you see is a black hole. It doesn’t even consume. It has consumed me and now it’s forcing every thought I’ve ever had down upon me. That’s how it feels. How can I make it go away? I really try. Why can’t I just be normal? Why me? Why me! All my life I just wanted to be happy. I wanted to get good grades. To make a life that would satisfy all my superficial needs, just like anyone else. But now I’m forced to go through shit. I’ll come out stronger, wiser - better. But if I didn’t know better I wouldn’t want that. I’d prefer it the other way.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wow, it's been a looong time since I last posted anything - this past month has been kind of crazy for me.
I'll try to get back to posting more frequently...
For now I wanted to share with you some of my favorite street styles from New York Fashion Week;
I'll try to get back to posting more frequently...
For now I wanted to share with you some of my favorite street styles from New York Fashion Week;
This look I really like; it's not too flashy or anything, but it definitely stands a bit out with the asymetric dress. And, to me at least, the color combinaition is amazing.
This one is so beautiful, I think. There's something old-fashion and fabulous about. You can really tell that this is a look that has been though about; right down to the matching shoes and glove/ wrap-thingy.
So there is really nothing extraordinaire about this, but I had to include it as it is very "me". Don't be surprised if you see me walking down the streets wearing something similar to that ;)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
i don't tell anyone about my life, about me, my secrets. because i don't want people to know, yet i tell you about my secrets, my problems, my life because i trust you. only do i find out that you go around spilling everything i ever told. realized that though you were my closest friend i meant little to you. my back stains with blood from the knife you threw in my back. you used me, i was the main character in the game you play.
i know that i have to let our friendship go, leave you behind in the web of lies that you spin. but it's easier said than done.
note: pictures are not of me, but they are pictures that i have taken of others - of course used with their permission
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Today I came across a site with a woman who claims that she will do anything that we (everyone else) are too scared to do. Seems cool, huh?
But as I scrolled to the many (read: endless) pages of blogging only very few had anything to do with what she pronounces as the reason for her blog. At least in my oppinion. So, in very basics it's all about a little thing called following through.
At first I got a little offended on the behalf of us bloggers. But then an even more scary thought came to my mind; what if, like most other projects that is started, this is just another one to fail.
The last thought, as already said, scared me more than anything else. In this post-moderne society that we live in, more and more projects are left behind, given up on etc. It seems as if no one knows how to finish anything (me included) anymore. I can help but wonder; are we just too restless? Is it the constant search for something new and exciting that leaves us jumping from project to project, person to person? Or is it that everyone around us has demanded of us to be flexible and ready to embrace changes that we are no longer able to stick to a project. Well, maybe the poor woman just ran out of ideas..
Friday, August 13, 2010
Look at you. You're young. You're scared.
Why are you so scared? Stop being paralyzed. Stop swallowing your words. Stop caring about what other people think. Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you want to listen to. Play it loud as fudge and dance to it. Go out for a drive at midnight and forget you have school the next day. Stop waiting for Friday. Live now. Do it now. Take risks. Tell secrets. This life is yours.
When are you going to realize that you can do whatever you want?
Friday, June 18, 2010
So obviously my life is vey boring at the moment, since I'm only writing about pretty much anything but my own life.
Well today's post is about Lady Gaga. Or more specific the Lady Gaga style. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems as if everywhere I look Lady Gaga is taking over the stage of music. Both Beyonce ('Telephone' and 'Video Phone' - where Lady Gaga it really only written as "feat" so shouldn't it be B's style and not Lady Gaga's??) and now Christina Aguilera (with 'Not Myself Tonight') tend to do looks and videos in the Lady Gaga style. I guess, there's really nothing wrong with doing that, but especially Beyoncé bugs me, as a style like that isn't nowhere close to how she used to be - ever!
Also I like Lady Gaga because of her originality. Or maybe I should say that I respect her - because let's face it: not everything she has done is equally good. Like 'Let's Dance'; not really my favorite. But even when I really don't like her, I still respect her for having the guts to stand out in the crowd and be different. Like Madonna or Michael Jackson before her (some of you who are not Lady Gaga fans might get mad at me for comparing her to such great artists, but please bare with me).
And now that special thing about Lady Gaga seems to go missing - to me at least - when other people become almost identical with her. That's a shame, I think, and it's too bad for Lady Gaga because she can't really help it..
Well, I'm not going to say more now. You can judge for yourself:
Also I like Lady Gaga because of her originality. Or maybe I should say that I respect her - because let's face it: not everything she has done is equally good. Like 'Let's Dance'; not really my favorite. But even when I really don't like her, I still respect her for having the guts to stand out in the crowd and be different. Like Madonna or Michael Jackson before her (some of you who are not Lady Gaga fans might get mad at me for comparing her to such great artists, but please bare with me).
And now that special thing about Lady Gaga seems to go missing - to me at least - when other people become almost identical with her. That's a shame, I think, and it's too bad for Lady Gaga because she can't really help it..
Well, I'm not going to say more now. You can judge for yourself:
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Jeg er faldet over en fantastisk handske fra Chanel, som jeg simpelthen ikke kan leve uden! Desværre bliver jeg jo nok nødt til at prøve, da der er ikke er store chancer for, at jeg nogensinde kommer til at eje den.
Men. Starter på endnu et gør-det-selv projekt idag; et par bukser. Mere om det senere
ENGLISH: I've fallen in love with a Chanel glove that I simply can't live without. Unfortunately I will have to try, as I'll probably never own it.
Anyway, I'm starting another DIY project aswell; a pair of jeans - more about that soon. For now, just admire the glove.. ;)
Men. Starter på endnu et gør-det-selv projekt idag; et par bukser. Mere om det senere
ENGLISH: I've fallen in love with a Chanel glove that I simply can't live without. Unfortunately I will have to try, as I'll probably never own it.
Anyway, I'm starting another DIY project aswell; a pair of jeans - more about that soon. For now, just admire the glove.. ;)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Knitting is the thing, you know.
I learned how to knit today! I know, not really that exciting, but I'm just a little proud. I have to brag a little more; I learned it in about a half hour. The tip of my one finger is a bit soar as I have pushed it against the knitting pen A LOT. Anyway-sss, the reason why I wanted to learn to knit is that I have fallen in love with a sort of furry spiderweb-y Rodarte sweater, and since I'll never be able to actually afford one, I thought "why not try and make it myself". So that'll be my summer project - since I'm not doing anything this summer but work.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Materialisten i jeg'et
Overvejer kraftigt at skifte min mobil ud, faktisk - (min er også en værre skrotbunke, Alexander ;D) Lige nu falder valget vist på en LG Viewty GT400. Meget smuk, meget cool, men om jeg køber den er endnu ikke sikkert. Det må være en senere opfølgning
Men, men, men; en kommentar i mit sidste indlæg skrevet af en meget kløgtig fyr, fik mig til at tænke ydermere omkring den her stigende materialisme, som er foregået de senere år. At vi skal have det nyeste, det bedste.. og måske også nogen gange det dyreste. Bare så vi kan blære os lidt for vores naboer og venner; "Jep, det er den nye Weber grill," siger man stolt og tilføjer derefter meget afslappet: "Ja altså den kostede jo der omkring de 10.000 kr. men hva' fanden, man skal vel have det bedste."
Selv jeg, som påstår, at være en rigtig livsnyder, synes jeg da ikke, at der findes noget meget bedre end at hive de der nye sko ud af skotøjsæsken for allerførste gang - eller bare den lille glæde man får når kortet kører gennem maskinen og man ved, at nu er de sko eller den trøje ens egen. Kald mig bare shopaholic, materialist eller addicted og smid mig ned på den nærmeste afvænningsklinik. Men jeg selv påstår, at man godt kan være begge dele..
Men, men, men; en kommentar i mit sidste indlæg skrevet af en meget kløgtig fyr, fik mig til at tænke ydermere omkring den her stigende materialisme, som er foregået de senere år. At vi skal have det nyeste, det bedste.. og måske også nogen gange det dyreste. Bare så vi kan blære os lidt for vores naboer og venner; "Jep, det er den nye Weber grill," siger man stolt og tilføjer derefter meget afslappet: "Ja altså den kostede jo der omkring de 10.000 kr. men hva' fanden, man skal vel have det bedste."
Selv jeg, som påstår, at være en rigtig livsnyder, synes jeg da ikke, at der findes noget meget bedre end at hive de der nye sko ud af skotøjsæsken for allerførste gang - eller bare den lille glæde man får når kortet kører gennem maskinen og man ved, at nu er de sko eller den trøje ens egen. Kald mig bare shopaholic, materialist eller addicted og smid mig ned på den nærmeste afvænningsklinik. Men jeg selv påstår, at man godt kan være begge dele..
ENGLISH: I very much consider buying a new cell phone, actually. Right now it’s going to be a LG Viewty GT400. Very beautiful, very cool, but if I buy it or not is yet to be found out.
But but but; a comment in my latest post written by a very smart guy had me thinking more about this rising materialism that we tend to see in the society the past decade or so. That we have to have the newest, the best – sometimes maybe even the most expensive. Just so we can show of for our neighbors and friends: “Yeah, that is the new Weber grill,” you say with pride, then add a little more casual, “Well, it cost about 10.000 DKR but what the heck, you gotta have the best right?”
Even I, who claim to be a real enjoyer of life, don’t find many things much better than pulling those new shoes out of their box for the first time – or the little joy you feel when you’ve bought those shoes or that dress and know that now it is yours. Call me a shopaholic, a materialist or addicted and throw me down to the nearest rehab clinic. But I, myself claim that you can be both.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Are the Danish population really the happiest on earth?
Der har været en del diskussioner omhandlende en undersøgelse for et par år siden, der påstår at danskerne er de lykkeligste i verden. Personligt synes jeg slet ikke at det er rigtigt… Men det vil jeg ikke plapre om denne gang – i hvert fald ikke lige nu ;)
Grunden til at jeg besluttede mig for at tage diskussionen op igen på trods af de år den efterhånden har på bagen er, at jeg forleden dag så en genudsendelse af Oprah – et afsnit hvor hun er på et besøg i Danmark.
En ting som virkelig irriterede mig var den her kvinde fra Danmark som – sammen med en kvinde til - skulle svare på nogle spørgsmål over Skype. Og hun svarede præcis hvad man kunne tænke sig til, at Oprah ville have hende til at svare. Såsom at vi sætter kvalitetstid med familien højere end forbrug, at penge egentlig ikke rigtig betød noget for os, at glæde har noget at gøre med at vi gør noget vi holder af osv. osv. osv. Og som den store afslutning; at vi altid tager hjem fra arbejde mellem 16 og 17 hver dag. Og ved i hvad? Det er simpelthen ikke sandt!
Der findes så mange folk som arbejder over de normale arbejdstider og et stigende antal mennesker hyrer folk til at hente deres børn fra diverse dagsinstitutioner osv. fordi de simpelthen ikke selv har tid til det.
Undersøgelser fra 2007 viser at Danmark er det land – sammenlignet med både USA og alle andre europæiske lande – hvor befolkningen arbejder mest. En anden undersøgelse fra samme år fortæller at danskere arbejder på overtid, fordi de føler at kulturen er således – altså føler de et pres for at arbejde så meget, som de gør.
Men tilbage til den her kvinde; Jeg blev næsten helt vred da jeg hørte hende sidde og sådan set lyve for at tilfredsstille Oprah. Den anden kvinde, som sad ved siden af hende, prøvede da også at fortælle at ikke engang hun altid fik fri omkring klokken fire, men hun kunne dårligt nok få et ord indført.
Så for at opsummere; Jeg selv ved ikke hvorfor vi danskere er det lykkeligste folk på jorden. Når jeg vandrer rundt i gaderne er det ikke det indtryk jeg får. Men måske er det bare mig. Alt jeg ved er, at det ikke handler om at sætte kvalitetstid højere end penge. Bare kig på Dubai; næsten alle har familie – forældre, brødre, søstre – som bor på samme gade, som de selv gør. Nogle spiser aftensmad sammen hver dag. Jeg har set folk i Dubai som spiser både morgenmad, frokost og aftensmad sammen. Og her har både mænd og kvinder også gode jobs, som læge og så videre. Er det så på grund af vores velfærdssamfund? Måske ikke. Igen vil jeg bruge Dubai som et eksempel; når det handler om at tage sig af de fattige er de nemlig lidt ligesom os. Folk i Dubai har også et gratis sundhedsvæsen, og de behøver heller ikke engang betale for elektricitet! Og regeringen sørger for at folk ikke sulter eller bor på gaden – og det samme gør folket i Dubai. Mange donerer mad til foreninger, som derefter giver det videre til de ”fattige”. Alligevel er folk i Dubai ikke ligeså glade som os danskere. Måske var undersøgelsen bare ikke sand. Måske er det danske folk ikke det lykkeligste i verden…
The reason I've decided to write about it even though it's a few years ago now, is that I saw a rerun of Oprah's show - the one where she had taken a trip to Denmark.
A thing that really pissed me off was this one woman from Denmark who - along with one other - was answering a few questions of Oprah's through Skype. And she just answered exactly what you knew Oprah wanted her to say. Like that we care more about quality time with our family than consuming, that money didn't really matter much to us, that happiness was about doing what you cared for etc. etc. etc. And the great finale; we always get off work between 4 and 5 pm every day. And you now what? It is not true!
There are so many people that do work more than the regular hours everyday and a rising number of people have someone to pick up their kids because they just don't have the time to do it themselves.
Studies from 2007 show that the Danish people work more than both the USA and all other European countries. Another one from the same year tells that the reason why most Danish people work more than the regular hours is that that's how the culture is and that they therefore feel a pressure to work more.
But back to this woman; I almost got angry at her for sitting there and practically lying to please Oprah. The other woman beside her even tried to say that also for her, it's not always true that she get off work around 4 pm, but she almost couldn't get a word in.
So to sum it all up; I don't know why we are the happiest people on earth. When I walk around in the streets I don't get this expression of us being that happy. But maybe that's just me. All I now is, that it's not about putting quality time higher than earning money. Just look at Dubai; most people have their families - parents, brothers, sisters etc. - living on the same street, sometimes even eating dinner together every night. I've seen people in Dubai eating breakfast, lunch and dinner together. And both men and women has good jobs, like being a doctor and so on. Is it because of our welfare society then? Maybe not. I'm going to use Dubai as an example once again; they're a bit like Denmark when it comes to taking care of the poor. People there have free healthcare as well, and they even don't have to pay for electricity! And the government makes sure that people aren't starving or living on the streets - and so does the people of Dubai. Many donate food to shelters or other places that then pass it on to the "poor".
Yet Dubai is not as happy as Denmark. Maybe the study just wasn't right. Maybe Danish people aren't the happiest on earth...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Down period much?
So here's something for you; my credit card got confiscated. - Because I got the code wrong O N E time! Aren't you supposed to have it wrong like three times before they take it away?
Well anyway, I'm calling the bank tomorow and hopefully it won't take too long for me to get a new one.
God! I just have no idea what I'm going to do without my credit card! Seriously, I'm freaking out a little bit right now.
Well anyway, I'm calling the bank tomorow and hopefully it won't take too long for me to get a new one.
God! I just have no idea what I'm going to do without my credit card! Seriously, I'm freaking out a little bit right now.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Summer of '10
In my world it's official summer now! Or actually it was so yesterday; barbequed for the first time this year and walked around barelegged A L L day. Today the weather is just as nice.
Going to see SATC2 tonight with my friend Amanda, and even though I'm not feeling the sitting-inside-a-movie theather-while-it's-sunny-outside thing, it's going to be very fun, I'm sure. We might go eat some lunch or drink a cup of coffee in a café before the movie, just so we can sit outside and enjoy the weather.
It makes me happy when it's finally summer again, especially when those winter months has seemed like they would never end. Now well just hope that the weather stays this way for the entire summer :D
I'm going to a party hosted by the magazine Cover and the brand Cheap Monday. And if anyone from Denmark read this, they should definetely join the rest of us. 50% of Cheap Monday and then awesome DJs all night - does it get any better? I don't think so ;P
Going to see SATC2 tonight with my friend Amanda, and even though I'm not feeling the sitting-inside-a-movie theather-while-it's-sunny-outside thing, it's going to be very fun, I'm sure. We might go eat some lunch or drink a cup of coffee in a café before the movie, just so we can sit outside and enjoy the weather.
It makes me happy when it's finally summer again, especially when those winter months has seemed like they would never end. Now well just hope that the weather stays this way for the entire summer :D
I'm going to a party hosted by the magazine Cover and the brand Cheap Monday. And if anyone from Denmark read this, they should definetely join the rest of us. 50% of Cheap Monday and then awesome DJs all night - does it get any better? I don't think so ;P
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Alphabeat i Tivoli
Fredag aften (et par dage siden nu, det ved jeg) stod den på fredagsrock i Tivoli. Bandet der optrådte var Alphabeat. Det var en sindsyg fed oplevelse at se dem live; første gang for mit vedkommende.
Hele bandet fyrede den af, hvor den mandlige forsanger Anders Nielsen virkelig forstod at "udnytte scenen". Lille joke mellem mine veninder Tito (Tatiana) og Lala (Cecilia) og mig var at han måske havde røget lidt før han kom på scenen - hvis i forstår hvad jeg mener... ;b
Men men... alt i alt en rigtig godt koncert, selvom det i starten var lidt svært at høre vokalerne - også selvom vi var så heldige at komme ret tæt på.
Nedenunder et par (okay, rigtig mange - jeg undskylder på forhånd) billeder fra koncerten:
ENGLISH: Friday night (been a few day since then, I'm aware) I went to Tivoli to watch 'Alphabeat' perform. It was really awesome to see them live - I, myself, was a first-timer.
The entire band really knew how to put a show together, especially the male singer, Anders Nielsen understood the expression of "using the stage". - A little joke between my friends Tito (Tatiana) and Lala (Cecilia) and me was that he might have smoken a bit before he came on stage - if you know what I mean... ;)
But all-in-all it was a really great concert, even though it was a little hard to hear the vocals in the beginning - despise the fact that we were lucky enough to get quite close.
Here are a few (okay, a lot - I apologize) pictures from the concert:
Hele bandet fyrede den af, hvor den mandlige forsanger Anders Nielsen virkelig forstod at "udnytte scenen". Lille joke mellem mine veninder Tito (Tatiana) og Lala (Cecilia) og mig var at han måske havde røget lidt før han kom på scenen - hvis i forstår hvad jeg mener... ;b
Men men... alt i alt en rigtig godt koncert, selvom det i starten var lidt svært at høre vokalerne - også selvom vi var så heldige at komme ret tæt på.
Nedenunder et par (okay, rigtig mange - jeg undskylder på forhånd) billeder fra koncerten:
ENGLISH: Friday night (been a few day since then, I'm aware) I went to Tivoli to watch 'Alphabeat' perform. It was really awesome to see them live - I, myself, was a first-timer.
The entire band really knew how to put a show together, especially the male singer, Anders Nielsen understood the expression of "using the stage". - A little joke between my friends Tito (Tatiana) and Lala (Cecilia) and me was that he might have smoken a bit before he came on stage - if you know what I mean... ;)
But all-in-all it was a really great concert, even though it was a little hard to hear the vocals in the beginning - despise the fact that we were lucky enough to get quite close.
Here are a few (okay, a lot - I apologize) pictures from the concert:
Det er rigtigt, han er ved at lægge sig ned //
Yes, he's about to lie down in case you were wondering ;)
Keyboard: Rasmus Nagel
De brugte nogen af de mest seje lys-effekter til showet//
They just used the most amazing light-effects in their show
Mandlig forsanger: Anders Nielsen // Male vocal: Anders Nielsen
Sejt, ikk? Altså we troede alle tre at han ville falde ned... eller vælte højtalerne og smadre den... eller noget lign. //
Cool, huh? We all kind of thought that he would fall down... or wreck the speakers,,, or something like that
Thursday, May 27, 2010
'Gaardbo dans' at Østre Gasværk
Nu er billederne fra mit "afdansingsbal" her! Det var vildt fedt at danse på Østre Gasværk og stemningen var ligeså god til begge forestillinger. De sorte dragter i åbningsnummeret var ikke ligefremt særlige dejlige at have på, da det egentlig var en heldragt lavet i strømpebukse-stof. Men pyt nu med det.
Det er en del billeder, men synes selv de er vildt flotte, så nyd endelig...
The pictures from my "end-of-season dance" are here! It was really awesome to get to dance at "Østre Gasværk" and there were really high spirits at both of the shows. The black costumes in the first routine weren't really that great to wear, as it was really just a (very) tight jumpsuit made entirely of pantyhose-fabric. Oh well.
There are a lot of pictures, but personally I think they're all amazing, so please enjoy...
Åbningsnummer // Opening act
'Beauty' - House rutine // 'Beauty' - House routine
'Stilhed' - House rutine // 'Silence' - a House routine
'Frozen' - af Madonna // 'Frozen' - by Madonna
Rutine med et miks af nogle af Michael Jacksons numre //
A routine with a with of some of Michael Jacksons songs
Jeg kan egentlig ikke huske hvornår det her er fra, men der ser ihvertfald rigtig fedt ud //
I can't actually remember what this is, but it certainly looks cool ;)
'On and On' - Slutningsnummer, moderne // 'On and On' - The Final routine, modern
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